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"Ozzy hears something" 

Date: Completed 2024

Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

Size: A) (455mm x 605mm)


dog in field oil painting VLR (NF).jpg

This painting is of a stolen moment away from the crowd, during my dear friend Trevor’s 50th birthday celebrations at Sam’s Place in the Frog Mountain Getaway resort in Swellendam South Africa. 
It’s about the peaceful feeling I experienced; simply sitting and sharing a moment with lovey soul without saying anything or expecting anything … just sitting, listening and being present.

There is a lot of philosophical painting technique approach, design and compositional thinking/exploration stuff being done here but it’d take too long to try explain it (and I’m too lazy to word it out properly right now), so I hope you can just enjoy the painting for what it is for now.

Original painting is for sale: $1800

(Please leave a message for all original and print sale enquiries)



Limited Edition Signed Prints (45cm x 60cm) (1of 20 - Only 17 left):

$250 (local shipping incl - Excl int shipping)

Printed on Ilford Fine Art Textured Silk Cotton Rag 270gsm with archival inks




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